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Kappler Chemical Protection

Anchortex is a preferred supplier of all Kappler chemical protection apparel, specializing Kappler Level A hazmat suits made of Zytron 500, Kappler Zytron 500 Level B hazmat suits, Kappler splash protection coveralls. As a full-line Kappler distributor, we are happy to quote on all Kappler chemical protection products, such as Kappler FR Chemical Protection Suits and Kappler General Hazard Protection Suits.

Kappler's chemical protective apparel is organized by Series and by Material. Please contact us for more information, for quotes, or to help determine your requirements.

Kappler Zytron 500 Series Chemical Suits (Kappler Z500 Suits) and Coveralls

Kappler Chem Tape (Kappler Chem-Tape)

Kappler Zytron 300 Series (Kappler Z300 Suits)

Kappler Zytron 100 Series (Kappler Z100 Suits)
Kappler Zytron 100 chemical protection garments provide excellent physical strength and basic chemical resistance, ideal for applications where workers need protection from dry particulates and light splash. Kappler Z100 color is Yellow.

Kappler Zytron 100XP Series (Kappler Z100XP Suits)
Kappler Zytron 100XP is a new, tougher version of Kappler Z100 – the same excellent chemical holdout with stronger physical properties. Kappler Z100XP color is Blue.

Kappler Zytron 200 Series (Kappler Z200 Suits)
Kappler Zytron 200 ups the protection level through increased resistance to a wider range of chemicals and greater physical strength – especially valuable in applications where rip-out is a concern. Kappler Z200 color is Light Gray.

Kappler Zytron 400 Series (Kappler Z400 Suits)
Kappler Zytron 400 is one tough customer, with excellent physical properties. Kappler Zytron 400 is also a bargain by comparison, with a broad range of chemical protection typically found in garments costing much more. Kappler Z400 color is Dark Green.

Kappler ProVent 7000 Series (Kappler ProVent 7000 General Hazard Protection Suits)
Kappler ProVent 7000 is a lightweight composite utilizing microporous film techology that provides excellent protection against hazardous particles and light liquid splash. A notable feature of Provent is its soft, draping characteristics. Kappler ProVent 7000 also passes ASTM 1670 for blood penetration resistance.

• Kappler ProVent 10,000 Series (Kappler ProVent 10,000 General Hazard Protection Suit)
Kappler ProVent 10,000 is a patented microporous film composite that offers a wide range of barrier protection against blood, body fluids and viral threats. It passes both ASTM 1670 blood penetration and ASTM 1671 viral penetration www. The high moisture vapor transmission rate (MVTR) of ProVent 10,000 results in a cool, comfortable garment ideal for biohazard cleanup.

• Kappler ProVent 12,000 Series (Kappler ProVent 12,000 General Hazard Protection Suit)
Kappler ProVent 12,000 has all the features of its predecessors, 7,000 and 10,000, with a heavier substrate making it the strongest and most durable fabrics in the Kappler ProVent family.

• Kappler Frontline 300 Series (Kappler Frontline 300 Chemical / FR Protection Suit)
Kappler Frontline 300 is ideal for petro-chemical line break situations. This innovative garment was developed with detailed input from petrochemical Safety Officers. It offers excellent radiant heat protection. And with comparable protection to Kappler's Zytron® 300 chemical apparel, Kappler Frontline 300 provides excellent holdout for the most common petrochemical hazards.

The ensemble garment design with hood, jacket and bib pants provides excellent flexibility. The hood and jacket can be removed when not in the hot zone, thereby allowing the individual to ventilate. As with all Kappler apparel, this ensemble is a multi-use, single exposure garment.

• Kappler Frontline 500 Series (Kappler Frontline 500 Chemical/ FR Protection Suit)
Now get triple assurance with a single Kappler suit certified to NFPA 1991 base requirements. Kappler Frontline® 500 offers three-way protection — broad chemical holdout, plus flame resistance and superior radiant heat protection for the additional hazards encountered in a chemical flash-fire.

Kappler's single-suit design means goodbye to the days of a cumbersome two-suit NFPA 1991 configuration. As with all Kappler apparel, this is a multi-use, single exposure garment. Offering comparable protection to Kappler's Zytron® 500 chemical apparel, Frontline 500 provides excellent holdout for the ASTM F1001 battery and beyond.

For optimal radiant heat protection, Kappler's commitment to user survivability led them to use the more demanding Pyroman Thermal Manikin testing instead of the NFPA 1991 Chemical Flash Fire Option. Pyroman results for Frontline 500 indicated 0% body burn — a huge confidence factor when facing a chemical flash situation.

Kappler Decontamination Shower (Kappler Decon Shower)
State-of-the-art technology and innovative design combine for easy-to-use decon products, no matter what your situation calls for. From full-blown Hot Zone management to training exercises, Kappler gives you decon solutions at a higher level.
Kappler Z5HD0 Decontamination Shower Kit
Kappler Z5HD1 Curtain Attachment Kit

WARNING: There are uses, environments and chemicals for which these Kappler garments and/or fabrics are unsuitable. It is the responsibility of the user to review available data and verify that the Kappler garment and/or fabric is appropriate for the intended use and meets all specified government and industry standards. Kappler tchnical specifications are available on request.

  • Kappler 99402YW ChemTape CBRN Chemical Suit Tape
    Kappler 99402YW ChemTape CBRN Chemical Suit Tape
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